Marginfi account authority address
Get bank by label.
Update instance data by fetching and storing the latest on-chain state.
Update instance data by fetching and storing the latest on-chain state.
Fetch marginfi group account data according to the config. Check sanity against provided config.
marginfi config
marginfi Anchor program
Commitment level override
Decoded marginfi group account data struct
Decode marginfi group account data according to the Anchor IDL.
Raw data buffer
Decoded marginfi group account data struct
Encode marginfi group account data according to the Anchor IDL.
Encoded marginfi group account data buffer
Raw data buffer
MarginfiGroup network factory
Fetch account data according to the config and instantiate the corresponding MarginfiGroup.
marginfi config
marginfi Anchor program
Commitment level override
MarginfiGroup instance
MarginfiGroup local factory (decoded)
Instantiate a MarginfiGroup according to the provided decoded data. Check sanity against provided config.
marginfi config
marginfi Anchor program
Decoded marginfi group data
Asset banks
MarginfiGroup instance
MarginfiGroup local factory (encoded)
Instantiate a MarginfiGroup according to the provided encoded data. Check sanity against provided config.
marginfi config
marginfi Anchor program
Encoded marginfi group data
Asset banks
MarginfiGroup instance
Generated using TypeDoc
Wrapper class around a specific marginfi group.